Disposal of Asphalt Roofing Shingles

Disposal of Asphalt Roofing Shingles

As your home ages over the years, it will come a time that you have to replace your old roof with a new one. The question now is, how do you dispose of the old shingles that you have taken off. There are many possible ways for you to do this. Also, take note that this would really depend on the situation.

Cincinnati Roof Repair

Leaving your old shingles over the newly attached ones on your roof deck are a very bad idea. This will shorten the new roof’s lifespan, and you have to deal with the hassle of removing two layers of shingles.

As a way to help you with this situation, here are the best solutions to dispose your old asphalt roof shingles.

Contain Them During the Tear Off Process

One of the first things that you should do with your old asphalt shingles is to contain them during the tear-off process. This is to prevent a big mess around your house. You can place roofing tarps in the area so that you can orderly tear one part at a time and initially put them together in the tarp and into the trash can lessen the mess.

Once the roof deck is completely cleared, it is now ready for inspection and to get new roofing. You can start by getting the torn off asphalt pieces off your home. Here are some three best options that you can do.


Believe it or not, you can actually recycle ordinary asphalt shingles since they have many composites, resins, and other recyclable substances which make them possible to reuse. Some old asphalt shingles that are torn-off and often melted down to be used for road pavements. It is also used to mix with cement to make a unique hot-mix asphalt. If you care a lot about our environment, then this is the best option. The more you recycle them, the less that factories and manufacturers would create new oil and other materials needed to make new shingles.

There are actually many recycling centers all over the country that accepts asphalt shingles for recycling. However, there may be some protocols to follow before you can surrender those to them. It is highly recommended that you pre-clean or pre-grind the torn-off shingles first. You must also make an effort to remove the nails. For removing nails, it is advised to use powerful magnets.

Some recycling centers may require you to pay a fee when you donate the shingles for recycles. There are other centers where you don’t really need to pay anything. Some might even give pay you for your materials. Not only you’re saving the environment, you are also saving too!

Donate Them

Aside from recycling asphalt shingles, you can actually just donate them so that they can be reused for something else. This is if ever the majority of the shingles that you have removed are still in great quality conditions.

You can give your old shingles to non-government organizations or charity groups as a way to help low-income homeowners with their roofs.

Just Simply Throw Them Out

If ever the shingles are just really not good enough to recycled or reused, then there is no other choice left just simply to throw them out. It is essential to take note that some recycling centers might not allow bad-conditioned asphalt shingles. So just simply throw them out if you must. Contact your roofing contractor to help you properly dispose of your torn-off shingles. Please take note that they might charge an additional fee for the cleaning and disposal.

Contact Your Contractor Today

We honestly can’t think of a better solution than to reach out to a reliable roofing contractor that would help you on all the roofing problems that you will face. We are happy to let you know that Half Price Roof has a professional roof contracting team that has many experiences on different types of roofs.

We have a very dedicated roofing contracting team that is available at any time of every season of every year to assist you for all your roofing needs. We have been in the industry for years, and we have a dedicated roofing team with decades of roofing experience under their belts. It’s time that you stop doing all the work yourself and get the most effective roofing solutions as soon as possible.

Now is the time that you stop worrying about your roofs and leave it to the experts. Be complete and stress-free when you reach out to Half Price Roof. For more information about our products and services and what we can do for your home or commercial building, feel free to give us a call today.